Q. What's are the pulling schedule and average delay rules?
A. We try to allocate our resources such that blogs with more followers get a faster response time since more people read them. Also, bloggers who help us pay our bills by subscribing to a pro account get a faster service as well. This is our schedule:
If blog has Feed pulled every Average Delay
1 followers 12 hours 6 hours
12 followers 6 hours 3 hours
20 followers 4 hours 2 hours
50 followers 3 hours 1.5 hours
100 followers 2 hours 1 hour
200 followers 1 hour 30 minutes
500 followers 10 minutes 5 minutes
Pro account 10 minutes 5 minutes
つまり、フォロアーが一人しかいないと半日後、それも6時間は平均で遅れますとのこと。一番下の「Pro account」とはなんぞや?と調べてみると、月額5ドルぽっきり(!)だそうな・・・トホホ・・・世の中、すべて「金」なのね・・・